The Paper Co-authored by Prof.ZHOU Xiangyu and Associate Prof. GUAN Qian Accepted on Annals of Mathematics
The Paper Co-authored by Prof.ZHOU Xiangyu and Associate Prof. GUAN Qian Accepted on Annals of Mathematics
The paper “A proof of Demailly’s strong openness conjecture " authored by CAS Academician Prof.ZHOU Xiangyu, from AMSS and Associate Prof.GUAN Qian from Peking University was accepted on Annals of Mathematics. In the paper, they solved the strong openness conjecture on the multiplier ideal sheaf associated to any plurisubharmonic function, which was posed by Demailly. Prof. ZHOU Xiangyu got his Doctor of Science Degree at Steklov Mathematical Institute (Moscow) in 1999. He was honored with the Second Class Prize of National Natural Science Award in 2004. Besides, he was the invited speaker of International Congress of Mathematicians in 2002, and the invited keynote speaker of Abel Symposium in 2013. The Annals of Mathematics which is recognized as the top journal in mathematics is published bimonthly by the Department of Mathematics at Princeton University with the cooperation of the Institute for Advanced Study.