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Scheepers’ Conjecture and the Scheepers Diagram (Yinhe Peng)

Time:2023-06-26  Source:Font Size:[Large | Medium | Small]  [Print]
 Inductively approaching subsets by almost finite sets, we refute Scheepers’ conjecture under CH. More precisely, we prove the following.

  1. Assuming CH, there is a subset of reals $X$ such that $C_p(X)$ has property ($\alpha _2$) and $X$ does not satisfy $S_1(\Gamma , \Gamma )$.

  Applying the idea of approaching subsets by almost finite sets and using an analogous approaching, we complete the Scheepers Diagram.

  2. $U_{fin}(\Gamma , \Gamma )$ implies $S_{fin}(\Gamma , \Omega )$.

  3. $U_{fin}(\Gamma , \Omega )$ does not imply $S_{fin}(\Gamma , \Omega )$. More precisely, assuming CH, there is a subset of reals $X$ satisfying $U_{fin}(\Gamma , \Omega )$ such that $X$ does not satisfy $S_{fin}(\Gamma , \Omega )$.

  These results solve three longstanding and major problems in selection principles.



  Transactions of The American Mathematical Society, Volume 376, Number 2, February 2023, Pages 1199–1229.
