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时间:2015-01-16  来源:文本大小:【 |  | 】  【打印






1.   段海豹,Self-maps of the Grassmannian of Complex Structures, Compositio Math. ,132: 159-175, 2002, [SCI].

2.   Xu An Zhao, 段海豹, A Mathematica Program for the Degrees of Certain Schubert Varieties, J. Symbolic Computation, 33(2002), 507-517, [SCI].

3.   段海豹, Piotr Pragacz, Divided differences of type D and the Grassmannian of complex structures, pp.31-59, 2003.

4.   段海豹,Shicheng Wang, The degrees of maps between manifolds, Math. Z., 224, pp.67-89, 2003.[S]

5.   段海豹,On the inverse Kostka matrix, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series(A), 103, pp.363-376, 2003.[S]

6.   段海豹, Multiplicative rule of Schubert class, Invent. Math., vol.159, no.2, pp.407-436, 2005.

7.   段海豹,Chao Liang, Circle bundles over 4-manifolds, Arch. Math., 85, pp.278-282, 2005.

8.   段海豹, Zhao XA , The height function on the 2-dimensional cohomology of a flag manifold., J. Lie Theory, vol.15, pp.219-226, 2005.

9.   段海豹, Morse functions and cohomology of homogeneous spaces, Topics in cohomological studies of algebraic varieties, 105--133, Trends Math. Birkhäuser, Basel, 2005.

10. 段海豹, Self-maps of the Grassmannian of oriented 2-planes in Euclidean space,  Proceedings of the international conference on the homotopy theory and related topics, Korea University press, 77-80, 2005.
