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时间:2024-03-28  来源:文本大小:【 |  | 】  【打印

Hongjie Yu (余红杰)


Email: hongjie.yu@amss.ac.cn

Address: Morningside Center of Mathematics, No. 55, Zhongguancun East Road, Beijing, 100190, China

Office: MCM 607

Research Interests: Number theory, representation theory and arithmetic geometry. I am particularly interested in the mathematical objects studied in the Langlands program.


Publications and preprints:

l  ℓ-adic local systems and Higgs bundles: the generic case, 40 pages, 2023, preprint, [arXiv]

l  Rank 2 ℓ-adic local systems and Higgs bundles over a curve, 54 pages, 2023, preprint, [arXiv

l  Number of cuspidal automorphic representations and Hitchin's moduli spaces, 54 pages, 2021, preprint, [arXiv

l  A coarse geometric expansion of a variant of Arthur's truncated traces and some applications, Pac. J. Math. 321-1 (2022), 193-237, [journal][arXiv]

l  Comptage des systèmes locaux ℓ-adiques sur une courbe, Ann. of Math. (2) 197 (2023), no. 2, 423-531, [journal][arXiv]

l  Le nombre des systèmes locaux ℓ-adiques sur une courbe, C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris 356 (2018), no. 11-12, 1085-1089, [journal]



l   B.S. Wuhan University, 2010-2014.

l   Master 2. Ecole Polytechnique, 2014-2015.

l   Ph.D. Université Paris 7, 2015-2018. Thesis Advisor: Pierre-Henri Chaudouard



l   Aug 2018-Jun 2022, Postdoc, IST Austria

l   Jun 2022-Mar 2024, Postdoc, Weizmann Institute of Science

l   Mar 2024-present, Associate Professor, Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Science.

