






报告人:Prof. Michel Zinsmeister (University of Orleans, France)

题  目:On the McMullen asymptotic variance

时  间:2018.12.04(星期二), 16 :00-17:00

地  点:数学院南楼N913室

摘  要: Let t-> X_t be a smooth path in the universal Teichmuller space with X_0=0 and \Gamma_t be the limit set of the quasi fuchsian associated group. When this path comes from some dynamical framework, McMullen has given a formula for the second derivative at 0 of the Hausdorff dimension of \Gamma_t and asked if this formula is true in general. I will show that the answer to this question is no but is yes in the case of SLE_2. (joint work with Nhat Le and Hieu He)

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------报告人:Prof. Michel Zinsmeister (University of Orleans, France)

题  目:Multifractal spectrum of LLE (Levy-Loewner Evolution)

时  间:2018.12.11(星期二), 16 :00-17:00

地  点:数学院南楼N913室

摘  要:I will survey about what is known for integral means spectrum of Loewner curves driven by Levy process. (Joint work with Han Yong and Chi Nguyen).
