




报告人Prof. Nicolas Burq(Université Paris-Sud , France)

 Almost sure global existence and scattering for the one dimensional Schrdinger equation (I)(II) (III)

  2019.03.05(星期二), 14:40-16:40

2019.03.08(星期五), 15:00-17:00

2019.03.10(星期日), 15:00-17:00



In this mini course, I will give an introduction to the theory of random data nonlinear PDE’s, on one of the most simple example of dispersive PDE’s: the one dimensional nonlinear Schrdinger equation on the line $\mathbb{R}$. More precisely, I will define essentially on $L^2 (\mathbb {R})$, the space of initial data,  probability measures for which I can describe the (nontrivial) evolution by the linear flow of the Schrdinger equation $$(i\partial_t+\partial _x2)u=0, (t,x) \in\mathbb{R} \times \mathbb{R}$$ These mesures are essentially supported on $L^2( \mathbb{R})$.

Then I will show that the nonlinear equation $$ (i\partial_t + \partial_x^2 ) u - |u|^{p-1} u =0, (t, x) \in \mathbb{R}\times \mathbb{R}$$ Is locally well posed on the support of the measure.

Finally I will describe precisely the evolution by the nonlinear flow of the measure defined previously in terms of the linear evolution (quasi-invariance). Lastly I wil show how this description gives

1) (Almost sure) Global well posedness for p>1 and asymptotic behaviour of solutions (nonscattering type)

2) (Almost sure) scattering for p>3.”

This is based on joint works with L. Thomann and N. Tzvetkov, and more recently with L. Thomann. The prerequisite in probability for the course are essentially elementary probability theory.
