




报告人:Dr. Liangchuan Wu (BICMR, Peking University)

题  目:From heat kernels to Chang-Wilson-Wolff theorem

时  间:2019.07.13(星期六), 09 :00-10:00

地  点:数学院南楼N224室

摘  要:The development of mathematics in the past few decades has witnessed an unprecedented rise in the usage of the notion of heat kernels in the diverse and seemingly remote sections of mathematics, especially in the area of harmonic analysis associated to elliptic differential operators. In the first part of this talk, we will introduce our work on the upper bound estimates of heat kernels associated to the generalized Schrodinger operators. In the second part, we extend the well known and cited result of S.Y.A.  Chang, J. Wilson and T. Wolff to the version of operators, under some suitable conditions on heat kernels.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------报告人:Dr. Kuijie Li (Fudan University)

题  目:Blowup criterion for Navier -Stokes equations in higher dimensions

时  间:2019.07.13(星期六), 10 :10-11:10

地  点:数学院南楼N224室

摘  要:In this talk, I will first review some well-known regularity criteria for the Navier-Stokes equations, with emphasis on the endpoint serrin criteria. Then I will present a blowup criterion for the mild solution in the critical Besov space with spacial dimensions d>3, which also leads to a conditional regularity result for the Leray-Hopf solution. This is a joint work with B.X.Wang.
