



Some Topics in Several Complex Variables


报告人孙锐然(博士)Universitt Mainz

 A brief introduction to the Higgs bundle

  2019.08.26(星期, 15:30-17:30


  In his 1987 paper "the self-duality equations on a Riemann surface", Hitchin introduced the notion of Higgs bundles on a Riemann surface, motivated by self-duality equations which arose in mathematical physics. Later Simpson generalized Hitchin's construction to higher dimensional Kaehler manifolds and established the so called Hitchin-Simpson correspondence between Higgs bundles and local systems. In this talk I will give a brief introduction to the theory of Hitchin and Simpson, as well as some applications in complex geometry.


报告人:Prof. Kang ZuoUniversit?t Mainz
  题  目:Iterated Kodaira-Spencer maps and the construction of Viehweg-Zuo sheaves
  时  间:2019.08.27(星期二), 9:30-11:30
  地  点:数学院南楼N902
  摘  要:
In this lecture we first introduce the generalized Kodaira-Spencer maps for a given family. By using those maps we construct a Higgs bundle associated to the family. Then we explain how to use this Higgs bundle and the cyclic covering to find a big subsheaf in some symmetric power of the cotangent sheaf of the base space of the family, which is called the Viehweg-Zuo sheaf now.
