





n  上午900-1000

报告人宋翀 (厦门大学)

  Finite-time singularities of 2d V-harmonic map flow

The V-harmonic map is a natural generalization of the harmonic map, but lack of a variational structure in general. We find that when V is conformal, the evolution and blow-up of 2d V-harmonic map flow still share same properties with the ordinary harmonic map flow. In particular, the finite-time singularities must locate at zeroes of V when the blow-up rate is sufficiently slow.


n  上午1000-1100

报告人郑恺 (同济大学)

  Singular scalar curvature equations

We will present recent progress on the singular scalar curvature equations. We will further present some, but not all, applications, including

1. the extension of Chen-Cheng’s resolution of the properness conjecture and the geodesic stability conjecture for cscK metric with singularities, 2. an answer to Ross-Thomas’s question on logarithmic semi-stability and 3. the existence/uniqueness of canonical metrics on singular varieties.


n  上午1100-1200

报告人石亚龙 (南京大学)

  Constant scalar curvature Ka ̈hler metrics on ramified Galois covers

Let f:M→N be a finite ramified Galois cover between compact  Ka ̈hler manifolds. If N has a cscK metric, under suitable conditions, we shall prove the existence of cscK metrics on M. This generalizes previous works of Arezzo-Ghigi-Pirola and Li-Sun on Ka ̈hler-Einstein metrics. This is joint work with Claudio Arezzo and Alberto Della Vedova.
